Episode 4
going to the doctor


Dialogue 1

Ms Lai: I feel ill. I've had a temperature for two days.
Dr Blake: A runny nose and a sore throat too!
Ms Lai: (cough) Yes, there's something in the throat. I've been to the chemist and taken some tablets ….
Dr Blake: Let me just check your throat. … It's a small infection.… I'll write you a prescription. The cough syrup will make you a bit drowsy. You shouldn't drive, OK?
Ms Lai: OK.
Dr Blake: You should drink lots of water and get plenty of sleep. … By the way, do you still have stomach problems?
Ms Lai: No, I don't have stomachaches any more. But I have a backache. Oh, my joints hurt too!
Dr. Blake: Well, you should feel better after a couple of days. If not, I'll write you a referral to the physiotherapist.
Ms Lai: Thanks, Dr Blake.

Dialogue 2 [Patient and doctor]

Patient: Ahh, my foot! I feel like I'm going to pass out.
Doctor: You'll be okay. Do you need an injection to kill the pain?
Patient: Err.
Doctor: I've almost finished now… That's the last stitch. Wow – 15 stitches. You look quite pale. Are you…
Patient: Err, I don't think….
Doctor: Oh! Nurse, nurse…



而“sore”是形容詞(adj.),用法是“sore”再加上發出病楚的身體部分(i.e. body part),如“a sore finger”,“a sore toe”,又或者“I've got sore gum”(這正好表達我們「熱氣」時的牙肉腫痛!)。

“painful”也是形容詞(adj.),用法是Body part(身體部分)+Verb(動詞)+painful,例如:

(a) My feet are painful. I walked 3 miles yesterday.

此外,很多人以廣東話「我唔舒服。」來表示身體不適,亦常常把它直譯為“I'm uncomfortable”來跟外國朋友表達「我唔舒服」這個意思,但原來“comfortable”或“uncomfortable”,英文是指因為外界事物導致的不安感,如地鐵車廂內,有陌生人盯著你,又例如你的椅子不平穩等等:

(b) Mary: That man's staring at me, I feel uncomfortable.
Friend: Let's get off the next stop.

(c) John: This chair is broken, I feel uncomfortable.
Friend: Let's ask for another chair.

其實「身體不適」的英文句子十分簡單:“I'm not well.”或“I don't feel well.”又或者“I feel ill.”都可以。

另一個香港人常犯的毛病是把“我去睇醫生”直譯為“I'm going to see the doctor.”,意思似乎很清楚,但外國人不會“go to see the doctor”兩個動詞一起用,他們會簡潔的說“I'm go to the doctor.”或“I'll see the doctor.”


(d) I have a cough. (注意:gh的發音是/f/)
(e) I'm taking some cough syrup. (即咳藥水)
(f) Doctor, there's something in my throat. I've been coughing for a few days. (即:「我有些痰,大概咳了數天。」)
