English Everywhere top20

Episode 2
Taking Leave


繼第一集的"Culture Club"教大家如何打開話匣子,跟朋友說聲"How are you?",本集將會為大家提供一些說再見的英語字句。在香港、甚至外地如日本,"Bye bye!"似乎是再見的共通語言。無可否認, "bye bye!"是源自英語 "Goodbye!",但在英語的對話當中,卻甚少說"Bye bye!"。原因是這句說話彷似小朋友的語言,感覺帶點稚氣;相反單一句"Bye!"就 較普遍使用及自然。而以下就是說再見的一些常用句子:

a) Bye now.
b) I've gotta go. (較為美式)
c) Catch you!
d) I must go.
e) I'm out of here. (很多年輕人喜歡這樣說)
f) Let's meet up sometime.

至於"Time and Tense" 這個星期的焦點是 present continuous tense。相信大家在課堂上學會了這個verb tense的用途一般來說是表達現在進行的事情(即:now),但我們要強調now 的意思其實是頗廣的, 如 :

Now = this moment (此時此刻)
Now = today (今天之內)
Now = this month, this year, etc. (本月,本年等)

所以在談話中,只要你的意思合乎你及對方想表達的"now",便可用上present continuous tense 。看看以下的對話:

(情境:Mei跟Mr. Li在餐廳聊天)
g) Mei: Are you teaching at a university?
  Mr. Li: Yes, I am

(Now = 有最近、目前的意思,並非談話的一刻)

h) Mr. Li: I know you like knitting. Is that right?
  Mei: Yes, I'm knitting scarves for an elderly center.

(Now =本週、本月等)

i) Mei: Are you …
  Mr. Li: Excuse me, my mobile phone is ringing.

(Now = 現在發生)

而"Venny's Vocabulary"則介紹了"put up with"及"put away"的日常用法。

"To put up with + something/ somebody"是要容忍某些事物或人物的意思,例子如下:

j) Dad has to put up with his demanding boss.

k) There's a construction site next to my building. It's quite hard to put up with the noise and the air pollution.

"To put away things"即是收拾東西,如:

l) Winter is over, so I'll put away the thick clothes.
