HKUGA College
李誠願 Dominic Lee Shing Yuen (S5CC) When I make a speech, I feel the urgent need to share my views and to convince other people to believe me.
麥嘉晉 Eugene Mak Ka Chun (S5IY) This current academic year, I have joined 3 events for the 69th HKSMSA Speech Festival, in all of which I ended up with proficiency, an extremely disappointing result considering I have received merits in all four of my previous experiences. I consider myself experienced in the area of public speaking as I have also been the master of ceremonies for events, speaking on behalf of the entire student body, and much more. My friends say I am an able speaker and I want to repay their faith in me by treasuring this chance and showing my worth.
薛旨喬 Sik Chee Kiu (S5LN) The Grind is an annual festive in Scandinavia—especially in the Faroe Islands—in which people kill whales for their meat, blubber, and for fun. Their right to live is denied just because of the tradition of The Grind. It will happen next year, and the year after, and the year after if we do not take action. In my speech, I will talk about what can be done to stop even baby pilot whales from being killed by thoughtless, ruthless Scandinavian daggers.