Yan Chai Hospital Wong Wha San Secondary School
李嘉林 Lee Ka Lam Mark Alexander (3A)I hope that I could improve my stage performance through this competition and improve my reciting skills. I wish that I could be persuasive throughout my speech to impress the judges. Besides educating people about environmental protection, I have also learnt to be environmentally friendly myself. Improving my English in all aspects is one of my biggest goals in this competition as English is widely used in the world; there are benefits if my English is fluent with correct pronunciation and grammatically correct. Last but not least, I hope that the nervous side of me could be forgotten forever, and build up a new reputation that I'm calm when doing public speaking.
朱潁鈞 Chu Wing Kwan (5A) Public speaking is always a challenging and edifying task for no matter freshman or expertise. At the early stage, well-organized preparations are needed for information resorting, preparing scripts and practicing over and over again. For the speech to be flawless, the proceeding period is doubtlessly required. Only by these crucial hard-work can we prepared a clear and coherent script.

While delivering the speech, confidence would be a great bonus added to your delivery. Together with appropriate body gestures, resounding voice and suitable eye contacts. The speech will be delivered perfectly. Every new topic of the speech is a brand new challenge. We can both learn skills from each practice, not to mention from other outstanding deliveries.
梁雅軒 Leung Angie (1A) In Hong Kong, we learn English every day, but do we really LEARN English? By LEARNING English, I mean like living the western ways, the American way or the British way. So, when you're watching television, change the channel to HBQ, Fox, Cinemax, anything in English. This could help one learn more because movies are often based on everyday life, and there is a whole lot of dialogs and interesting ways on interacting with others. Books are very useful too, it can make you learn thing which could help you improve your writing and speaking. And perhaps some social skills too.